
What Should I Do If I Experience Priapism After ED Treatment?


You rarely have priapism after ED treatment, but you can have it. So, there’s a need to take care of that. Before going for the therapy, there is the need you know what priapism is, what are the causes of this kind of disorder, how can you know that you have priapism, and how ED treatment causes priapism. Once we are clear about all these, we can go for the treatment of the same.

What Kind Of Disorder Is Priapism?


Priapism is a critical type of disorder, found in men, which is often referred to as a sexual disorder. The reason to state it as a sexual disorder is the linkage of the disability with the men’s genitals.

When men have this disorder, their penis finds erection without any sensation in them. Since there is no sensation, your penis will not get the hardness that it needs. Hence, what you miss is the hardness of your penis, but what you find is the erection in it, without any sort of sensation or feeling for intimacy.

Now the question in your mind is, whether you found this anomaly for use of Cenforce 100 or something else. Now, this will be too early to decide the right answer. For that, we need to go much deeper into the thing.

How To Identify That You Have Priapism?

You can identify whether you have priapism, with the erection of your penis. Generally, one gets an erection in the penis for the urge of intimacy in him. There he needs some sensation in his mind. However, when you have priapism, you will completely miss out the sensation from you. Moreover, the erection you will get is not for a minute or something like that. You will find your genitals remain erect for nearly 4 hours at a stretch.

You have not taken any drug like Cenforce 150mg to get that symptom. If you would have taken them, then along with the erection, there would be the hardness in your penis too and alongside you would have faced a powerful sense of intimacy. However, there is no such feeling in you, nor do you have a strong erection. In case you experience the same, it is high time that you consult with a doctor, as probably, you developed priapism.

What Causes Priapism?

Mainly when your genital veins are not working properly, and showing anomalistic behavior, then you find priapism. In some instances, it can be due to irregularities of blood like those of anemia or thalassemia. However, other medical complications can make you suffer the same too.

  • When you are going through depression, and you take anti-depression drugs on a regular basis, the side effects of those drugs can cause the disorder in you.
  • Antipsychotic drugs that you take for treatment of anxiety disorder can also cause the same in you.
  • Excess of testosterone can form priapism in you too.
  • Too much exposure to alcohol or even more addictive elements like cocaine has a common side effect like priapism.
  • Many a time, some pressure on your penis can give you this disorder too.
  • In severe cases, a disorder in your digestion issues can also form priapism.
  • This can happen if you regularly take alpha-blocker drugs for a long time and even in case of a long intake of ED drugs like Fildena 100.

Can ED Treatment Cause Priapism?

As you pass through the causes mentioned above, you are sure to know now that ED treatment can cause priapism at times. However, the question here is how and why this treatment causes priapism.

Suppose you take Vidalista, a common ED pill for a longer time, how will it affect you? It will directly work on the veins of your penis and widen them so that you get immense blood flow in the channel to get erection.

The drug keeps your penis erected for yours and in the meantime generates a strong sensation in you so that you can expand your intimate hours for longer sessions.

Now, in many cases, you take the Vidalista 60 but do not find the libido level high and hence stop going for the intimacy for one hour. What will happen is – you will continue to have the erection for 4 hours, although there will be no sensation in you. Hence, your erection will slow down, and you will lose the hardness in it, but the erection will be there.

Now when you continue this for a longer time, the veins of your penis will get that excess blood but will not work for your intimacy. Hence, gradually, the penile veins will generate a habit of accepting more blood from your heart, whether it needs it or not. The effect of the me leads to priapism in you.

How To Treat The Disorder?


Aspiration and shunting are the two methods used in the process to cure your priapism. In both cases, the excess blood that reaches your penis to keep it erect is drained out with a needle.

However, in case you are in the initial stage of the disorder, you can stop the acceptance of ED drugs like tadalafil tablets, antidepressant drugs, or drugs like alpha-blockers. If that is not working for you, consult a doctor to check for anemia or thalassemia. If you find that to be negative even, then only go for the aspiration process, as they are a much more painful treatment.

In the case of ED, be sure that you take the drugs with proper consultation. Your doctor will never tell you to take the pills for a longer time, as he knows that can cause priapism in you. So, take the pills with proper consultation, for ED and for any other things. Especially do this for non-prescription drugs that you take for a longer time.

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